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2023 Site Update


Updated: Jan 22, 2023

This year (Jan. 2023) we will be posting new messages periodically rather than daily.

#CarrieUnderwood  #VinceGill #NewYears #HolySpirit #Christian #JesusChrist #DailyMessage #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #God  #Bible #2023SiteUpdate  #VBS4ever
Vacation Bible School? VBS is not just for kids, It's an attitude and way of life--a seed planted that matures and endures. ​Read our blog + other resources for encouragement and praise to God.

The website remains a constant resource for those seeking inspiration and spiritual guidance on salvation, the Holy Bible ('versions'+reading plan), prayer, biblical roles and more.

We have more than 1,000 messages linked to music … check out our Blog! We also recommend these sites for daily devotions.

Thank you for choosing as one of the many resources available for learning about our LORD and Saviour!

This beautiful video is truly inspirational. To God be the glory!

#CarrieUnderwood  #VinceGill  #NewYears #HolySpirit #Christian #JesusChrist #DailyMessage #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #God  #Bible #2023SiteUpdate  #VBS4ever
"How Great Thou Art" Artist: Carrie Underwood / Writer: Stuart K. Hine


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