It is ‘Halloween’ weekend and like any ‘holiday’, how one chooses to celebrate is up to each person or family. The world traditionally celebrates ‘Halloween’ by dressing in costume and ‘trick-or-treating’or attending costume parties, carving pumpkins, delivering playful pranks or practical jokes, and sometimes lighting bonfires. Some take it further with scary stories about monsters, ghosts and evil spirits, and attending haunted houses. Read more about Halloween here
1John 1:5 - “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”
For Christians, rather than go with the ghostly, wicked witch or scary monster themes, why not take advantage of the opportunity to dress in costumes that would glorify our Saviour? Jesus was the first Superhero, after all! Or dress as Mary, Joseph, Abraham … any of the apostles, or even one of God’s creatures, such as a kitten, puppy or bird. If you choose to go trick-or-treating, take along some Bible tracts and hand them out to those who give you candy (and anyone you see along the way), and don’t forget to tell them how much God loves them! Shine His Light in the dark!
Matthew 5:16 - “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
There are many churches who have a ‘Trunk-or-Treat’ ministry, where car trunks are decorated and aligned in the parking lot for children to parade by and receive candy, Bible tracts and information about the local church. It is a safe, fun way for children to participate in a ‘Halloween’ activity and an opportunity for the local body to reach the community for Christ. PS--Candy donations are always appreciated at these events!
I’m not afraid of the dark … the dark is afraid of me!
I’m not afraid because Jesus' Light is shining bright in me!
Today I put on Heaven’s armour. The sword and shield cannot be conquered!
However you choose to spend October 31, remember that Jesus’ Love glows in the dark! Do not fear … put on the armour of God and trust in Him … He has overcome the world!