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If someone asked to hear your testimony, are you ready to share it? Are you ready to tell others how Jesus (Who knows your heart and led you to trust Him) came into your heart? 1Peter 3:15 - “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”

#Hidden #WillReagan  #UnitedPursuit  #LaborDay  #HolySpirit  #GaitherMusic  #Christian  #vevo  #Gospel  #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
Daily inspirational Bible message linked to Christian music

Accepting Jesus’ gift of life eternal with Him in heaven is the greatest decision you will ever make! No longer destined for hell, you will want to shout and proclaim His goodness from the rooftop! You may not know the exact date and time your spiritual birth took place, but when Jesus moves in, you know He’s there! 1John 5:13 - “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

Christ-followers, we are hidden in the safety of His Love!

We can trust Him to guide us through the many shadows we encounter. As we grow and change, our love grows deeper and we lean upon His grace. Hebrews 4:16 - “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

The sun, moon, and stars
 Shout your name
 They give you reverence
 And I will do the same
 With all my heart I give you glory
#Hidden #WillReagan  #UnitedPursuit  #LaborDay  #HolySpirit  #GaitherMusic  #Christian  #vevo  #Gospel  #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
“Hidden” Artist/Writer: Will Reagan, United Pursuit

Take some time this week to write down your testimony and read it aloud until you’re comfortable with how you want to tell your personal story of meeting your Lord and Saviour. If you don’t yet have a testimony to share, click here to learn how to accept Jesus as Saviour.

Hope you were able to enjoy time with family and friends during the Labor Day holiday!

Yes, we are hidden in the safety of His Love. Give God the glory due His Name today!

#Hidden #WillReagan  #UnitedPursuit  #LaborDay  #HolySpirit  #GaitherMusic  #Christian  #vevo  #Gospel  #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
From John Chapter 19


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