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Can you think of anyone you know who isn’t going through, or has recently gone through, some kind of struggle, grief or pain? We all know of someone who is dealing with cancer or a lengthy illness; or maybe addiction; the loss of someone dear; perhaps some financial struggles, job or career issues, family or marriage problems … whatever the case may be, we all have trials. So as a Christ-follower, how do we cope with them?

#Survivor  #ZachWilliams  #GaitherMusic #victory #KLove #iTunes #Life885 #pandora #spiritual #vevo #Gospel #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
Daily Bible Message linked to Christian Music

We turn them over to the One Who gives us hope! Don’t carry the weight of your burdens … give them to Jesus! He’s the ground beneath our feet, the eyes when we can’t see! Romans 15:13 - “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”

When we’re going through a trial, God is teaching us something. As difficult as it is, look for God's hand and seek his voice and purpose. Are you a better person because of your experience? You may have lost your job, but maybe God has a better one lined up for you. Maybe you’re going through cancer so you can one day help and encourage others going through the same thing. Share your trust and faith in Jesus and your salvation through Him. In the midst of your trial, whatever it may be, thank God and rejoice in Him. 1Peter 4:12-13“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: 13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.”

#Survivor  #ZachWilliams  #GaitherMusic #victory #KLove #iTunes #Life885 #pandora #spiritual #vevo #Gospel #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
“Survivor” Artist: By Zach Williams / Writers: B.Fowler, J.Smith, Z.Williams

There’s something about praise that makes walls crumble. We were made to praise! It delights our Heavenly Father and can make our enemies scatter. Psalms 150:6 - “Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” We don’t even necessarily need to be happy when we praise. God knows our heart. Praising Him gets the focus off of us and onto Him. Listen to the powerful story behind today's song, "Survivor."

#Survivor  #ZachWilliams  #GaitherMusic #victory #KLove #iTunes #Life885 #pandora #spiritual #vevo #Gospel #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever

If you are spiritually born again, rescued from the grip of sin, God has pulled you out of the fire … you’re a survivor!

#Survivor  #ZachWilliams  #GaitherMusic #victory #KLove #iTunes #Life885 #pandora #spiritual #vevo #Gospel #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
How to become spiritually born and be a SURVIVOR


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