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Tell Me, Grandpa


'The good ol’ days' … words often used to describe a time that one believes was better, simpler, or more wholesome than the current time. ‘Ah, those were the good old days when the family gathered on the front porch to sing hymns together; Grandpa would play the fiddle, Daddy would play the guitar and Grandma would sing harmony …’

#Grandpa  #TheJudds  #Wynonna  #HolySpirit  #GaitherMusic  #victory  #spiritual  #vevo #Gospel  #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
Daily Bible Message linked to Christian Music

Sounds wonderful … but were the good old days really that good? And if so …

What’s stopping us from sitting on the front porch and singing hymns together? or whatever it is that made it good? Are we too busy running to the baseball or soccer fields, working late on that big account, catching up on social media or watching our favorite TV show?

The world has gotten in the way of so many good things. Why do we let it? satan’s number one goal is to break up the family. In doing so, he knows spiritual lives will break up right along with it.

There’s another old saying:

‘The family that prays together, stays together.’

If we keep our focus on Jesus (keep our eyes on the prize), He will be with us each step of the way. Proverbs 22:6 - “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

#Grandpa  #TheJudds  #Wynonna  #HolySpirit  #GaitherMusic  #victory  #spiritual  #vevo #Gospel  #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
"Grandpa" Artists: The Judds / Writer: J.P. O’Hara

Grandpa, tell me about the good ol’ days.
Was a promise really something people kept
and not just something they would say? 
Did daddies really never go away? 
Did families really bow their heads to pray? 

Psalms 132:12 - “If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.” Matthew 19:19a - “Honour thy father and thy mother ...” Ephesians 6:1 - “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.”

#Grandpa  #TheJudds  #Wynonna  #HolySpirit  #GaitherMusic  #victory  #spiritual  #vevo #Gospel  #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever

Yes, times have changed, but God and His Word never changes (Heb. 13:8). Grandparents, parents and children all have the responsibility and privilege to teach family and others to know and love God and His Word and to obey His commandments. God's Word is our authority ... NOT the worldview! It's never too late to fulfill your biblical role.

#Grandpa  #TheJudds  #Wynonna  #HolySpirit  #GaitherMusic  #victory  #spiritual  #vevo #Gospel  #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
#Grandpa  #TheJudds  #Wynonna  #HolySpirit  #GaitherMusic  #victory  #spiritual  #vevo #Gospel  #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever


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