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Those Broken Ladders


Some people make the ‘Christian’ life too complicated. ‘Religion’ is more and more consumed with the ‘traditions of men’ and oftentimes pushes aside the commandments of God. It’s not about ‘religion’ … it’s about Jesus!

#BrokenLadders #Selah  #HolySpirit #GaitherMusic  #Christian  #vevo  #Gospel  #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
Daily inspirational Bible message linked to Christian music

God really doesn’t ask much of us in return for all He has given. Yes, there are commandments, but if you take a good look at them, they are for our own good; they aren’t unreasonable. God doesn’t just make up ‘rules’ for no reason. He loves us and wants to protect us, just as parents have certain boundaries for a child in order to protect them. Have you read God’s truth, His Word, our compass for life?

God’s ways are higher; He knows all; He sees things from a spiritual perspective. 1Samuel 16:7 - “But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”

satan tempts us with bad lifestyle choices, money, power; he whispers in our ear that we aren’t good enough or smart enough; that we are too ‘bad’ of a person to ever get through those pearly gates of heaven.

But friends, all God really wants is our heart!

Matthew 5:8 - “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”

You don’t have to stand alone or face struggles on your own, God is here for you! No need to climb a broken ladder, trying to do it all on your own. Simply respond to His gift of spiritual birth with a heartfelt confession in faith and obedience. Let Him fight your battles. He’s already paid the price and won the victory!

You never asked me to be king and build my tower up to the sky, so why do I try? 
You never asked me to be rich and buy the things that gold can buy, so why do I try?
You never asked me to be complete, so why do I try?
You never asked me to stand alone, face the struggles on my own, so why do I try?
'Cause all they do is take my eyes off of You and make me forget the truth.
Why do I feel I have to reach, believe I have to rise, 
when You never said I had to climb these broken ladders? 
#BrokenLadders #Selah  #HolySpirit #GaitherMusic  #Christian  #vevo  #Gospel  #ChristianMusic  #Jesus  #Savior  #God  #Bible  #inspirational  #salvation  #JesusMatters  #VBS4ever  @VBS4ever
"Broken Ladders" – Artists: Selah / Writers: Samuel Mizell, Becca Mizell
The best lifestyle choice you could ever make is to respond to the Gospel in faith and obedience. God will reward you beyond your wildest expectations.

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