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You're Dead Without It


God's Holy Word tells us 'the blood of Jesus is LIFE'. Eternal life.

Without the blood of Jesus you could never know Heaven
Without the blood of Jesus you could never know Heaven

Spiritual power of blood: Without the shed blood of God the Son, mankind would not have the option of life eternal in Heaven.

Physical power of blood: Without blood in the human body, there would not be human life on earth.

The word 'blood' is gradually being erased from the vocabulary in 'religious' things. Yet, God's preserved Holy Word in the King James Bible does not change, compromise or bend to the whim of man.

Here is an example of how man is slowly erasing the blood of Jesus Christ from the record.

Translation of the Bible

References of blood

KJB - The King James Holy Bible

375 cites

Modernized bible versions

NIV - New International Version

357 cites

NKJV - New King James Bible

357 cites

ESV - English Standard Version

355 cites

RSV - Revised Standard Version

353 cites

NASB - New American Standard Bible

342 cites

NRSV - New Revised Standard Version

340 cites

MSG - The Message

272 cites

NLT - New Living Translation

261 cites

J Smith - Mormon/RLDS Inspired Version

199 cites

Blood: Some argue ... "What does it matter? I know Jesus shed blood. Plus, the version of the bible I read is only missing a few cites of the word 'blood'.  

In the case of the instruction book of life (The KJB bible) the ‘blood of Jesus is LIFE’. Eternal life.

Making satan proud: The choice of man to diminish the word ‘blood’ from God’s Holy Word is an ugly thing only satan could appreciate. After all, Jesus’ blood is directly linked to the guilt and shame of satan, as satan was behind the betrayal of Jesus Christ. The king of all cowards (satan), uses man to cloak his evil.

Facts are not an option:

  • Jesus physically died on the cross.

  • Jesus purposefully shed his blood for us; He willingly gave His life for us.

  • satan continues to crucify God the Son by delivering ongoing assaults upon God’s Word. There's no acceptable margin of error. No compromise. God's Holy Word is inerrant.

  • satan does not care about the blood of Jesus.

In 2002, one of the most beautiful ‘Christian’ songs was at the top of the charts, “Above All” performed by Michael W Smith. The lyrics capture the Godly mission in the sacrifice and brutal death of Jesus. A rose trampled on the ground ...

Sampling of chorus:


Laid behind the stone

You lived to die

Rejected and alone

Like a rose trampled on the ground

You took the fall

And thought of me

Above all

Yet, in this touching song the word ‘blood’ is implied but not mentioned. Those who throughly (not thoroughly) accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour are humbled by the gravity of the blood Jesus shed. True believers and followers of Jesus Christ know this truth:

The sins of all believers are forgiven and the 'blood' Jesus shed was freely given for our eternal sake.

Only non-believers and satan hold the shame and guilt of the betrayal of Jesus on the cross.

Trusting man over God in books other than the King James Bible:

Man’s words are of little consequence.

The absence of ‘blood’ in a song is nothing.

Whereas ...

God’s words are non-negotiable and are of great consequence.

The act of man diminishing the word ‘blood’ when written by God is arrogant and foolish as these persons are slowly erasing the ‘blood’ of Jesus on behalf of satan.

It is not just God's use of the word 'blood' that is being removed or revised out of 'new age bibles'.

Consider evaluating if you are being deceived by satan.

Are you reading, sharing and promoting the actual unedited Words of God or are you relying on the words of satan?

How to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

Featured song 

Written by C.Gayle, R.Kennedy, S.Musso, D.Gentiles, B.McCleery


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