What is Salvation
and what does it mean to me?
You've probably heard or seen signs that say "JESUS SAVES", but what does that really mean? Saves who? Saves from what?

Did you know?
The Bible tells us that when we were born, we were born into the devil's family and are all born sinners.
Adam and Eve were the first sinners and since that time all mankind are born into sin.
If you were to die today, without salvation through Jesus Christ, you would go to hell for eternity! But Jesus has a gift for us!
He came to this earth, suffered and died, and rose again on the third day as payment for our sins. The only way out of ‘eternity in hell’ is through Jesus Christ.
God’s gift, eternal life in Heaven, is free to us:
All we have to do is accept His gift and we will be born into God's family through spiritual birth and go to Heaven when we die.
Sound too simple to be true? That’s what satan wants you to think.
How do I accept Jesus' free gift of salvation, to be born again?
If you'd like to be saved from the penalty of sin,
If you'd like to be saved from an eternity in the lake of fire,
If you'd like your eternal destiny to be changed and know for sure that you're on your way to heaven …
Pray the following prayer as you repent (turning away from your sins) and ask God to save you, meaning what you say as you pray:
Lord, I know I'm a sinner and I ask Your forgiveness of my sins.
I believe that Jesus Christ, Your Son, came to this earth, He died on the cross, He was buried and He rose again on the third day.
I believe that, Lord and I now confess that to You in this prayer.
I call upon the name of Jesus Christ to save me, to save me from the penalty of my sins.
I call upon the name of the Lord, and I pray this the best way that I know how, with a genuine and sincere heart. Give me the confidence, help me to know that I have eternal life.
I pray this in Jesus' precious name. Amen.
If you confessed your sins and prayed that prayer (or something similar) with a meaningful heart, you have been spiritually born and will spend eternity in Heaven when you leave this earth!
By repenting of your sins to God and trusting Jesus as your LORD and Saviour you become a child of God by spiritual birth! You are “born again”! (Your first birth is physical, through your mother. Your second birth -- born again-- is spiritual, through Jesus Christ.) Receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour is the most IMPORTANT decision you will ever make in your entire life!
If you don't know absolutely for sure that you're going to spend eternity in heaven, God says in 1John 5:13 - “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”
This means you can KNOW you have eternal life ... not maybe, and not if you do good things or you're a good person.
This eternal life is in Jesus Christ. He offers you salvation from hell as a free gift. God offers you salvation through His grace, by His grace, and you receive His salvation by faith ... trusting and believing that what the Bible says is true. Romans 10:13 says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Verses in the Bible regarding Salvation / Saved / Spiritual birth and Born again are explained here.